Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Marooned Hindu "Roma" are the American Redmen

Physically, the Americans encountered by early explorers, from the Arctic to the tip of South America, were more homogeneous than any other continental population. In skin color the ROMA Hindu Indians were yellow brown to ruddy brown, or "medium light" on a world color scale; thus they were probably no darker than, if as dark as, some of Columbus's sailors. Hair and eye color was uniformly dark; reports of "white" or blue-eyed Native Americans referred either to albinos or to offspring resulting from early miscegenation. Head hair was coarse and capable of growth to the ground; body hair and beard were scant. In these respects physical characteristics of native Americans reflect their ancient K2, north Himalayan, Asian ancestry.

Blood group O is the most common type among Native Americans; types A and B appear to have been absent in pre-Columbian South America. In North America, type Ax reaches its highest percentage of any world population among the Blackfoot of Alberta and Montana, and type M, its world high among the Sarci, Naskapi, and other northern North American peoples. Rh factor (a substance on the surface of red blood cells that induce a strong antigenic response in individuals lacking the substance (originating from the Indian Rhesus monkey; macaca mulatta) was absent in the New World blood. (See Rh negative blood and ex-Senator George Allen's racial slur)

The ancestors of the "Native American" people entered America from Asia more than 20,000 years ago. Some archaeologists have suggested that this migration began much earlier--by at least 40,000 years ago, before the last Ice Age. Archaeological findings indicate that foragers and hunters were dispersed throughout North America by 17,000 years ago and had passed through to the tip of South America by 12,000 years ago, as the last (16,000 year) Ice Age declined.

Little agreement exists among anthropologists on the number of people inhabiting the New World on the eve of its re-discovery by Europeans. Estimates have ranged from a low of 8.4 million to a high of perhaps 112 million. Scholars supporting the higher estimate have contended that new diseases (smallpox, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, influenza, and possibly yellow fever and malaria) introduced into America through contact with newcomers may have been responsible for upward of 80 million deaths.

It is, however, certain that for centuries after European contact, Native American populations suffered rapid decline. Only in the 20th century has the number of Indians in most countries of the Americas begun to increase, partly as the result of a declining rate of infant mortality.

The SculPTor