Wednesday, December 9, 2009


In the Greek language the name Gregory stands for the English word WATCHER.

'WATCHERS' was the name given to the so-called 'GIANTS', the middle-Eastern HOMO~ERECTUS Priest~Hoods which was known during late pre-historic times as The Cult of the Vulture. Since then Priests have always been known for the way they have of picking clean the bones of the dead.

This is how, ultimately, they have gained their original wealth, which in turn has brought them such tremedous power over the living inhabitants of the world.

Here are some of the most famous Gregorys:

Gregor Johann Mendel. 1822-1884. An Austrian botanist and founder of the science of genetics.

Gregory of Nyssa, Saint. A.D. 335?-394?. Eastern theologian and church father who led the conservative faction during the Trinitarian controversy of the fourth century.

Gregory of Tours, Saint. 538-594. Frankish (French)prelate and historian who produced a valuable history of the sixth-century Franks.

Gregory I, Saint. Known as ‹Gregory the Great.Š 540?-604. Pope (590-604) who increased papal authority, enforced rules of life for the clergy, and sponsored many important missionary expeditions, notably that of Saint Augustine to Britain (596).

Gregory VII. Original name Hildebrand. 1020?-1085. Pope (1073-1085) who sought to establish the supremacy of the pope within the Church and the authority of the Church over the state.

Gregory XIII. Originally Ugo Buoncompagni. 1502-1585. Pope (1572-1585) who e stablished many Catholic universities and seminaries and sponsored the adoption of the Gregorian calendar (1582).

Gregorian calendar. The solar calendar in use throughout most of the world, sponsored by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 as a corrected version of the Julian calendar.

Gregorian chant. Roman Catholic Church. A liturgical chant that is monodic, rhythmically unstructured, and sung without accompaniment. [After Saint Gregory I.]

gregarious. 1. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. 2. Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind: gregarious bird species. 3. Botany. Growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted. [Latin for belonging to a flock, from greg-, flock.]

greenwood. A wood or forest with green foliage.

gree. Scots. Superiority; mastery. [Middle English gre, from Old French, step, from Latin gradus.]

gregarine. Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.

greige. Not bleached or dyed; unfinished. Used of textiles. [French gr¶ge, from Italian (seta) greggia, raw (silk) from greggio, gray, of Germanic origin.]

gremlin. 1. An imaginary gnomelike creature to whom mechanical problems, especially in aircraft, are attributed. 2. A maker of mischief. [Perhaps blend of Irish gruaimân, bad-tempered little fellow (from Middle Irish gruaim, gloom, surliness) and goblin.]

grenade. 1. A mi ssile containing priming and bursting charges, designed to be thrown by hand or deployed by a specially equipped launcher. 2. A glass container filled with a chemical that is dispersed when the container is thrown and smashed. [French, from Old French (pome) grenate, pomegranate (from its shape). See POMEGRANATE.]

NOW, from reading the above names and items which are all linked to Gregory,


The SculPTor